Information in English

Swedish personal identity number

To be qualified to rent an apartment with us, you need to have a personal identity number. (It is a requirement in our system when you register). The personal identity number consists of ten digits, your date of birth; year-month-day plus four more digits.

If you are a student, and don’t have a personal identity number, please contact your study advisor at your department of study for help.

If you have a Swedish home address you can visit Skatteverket at their homepage

Note: Please note that you cannot submit applications if you are under the age of 18.

Mina sidor (My Pages)

When you have obtained a personal identity number, go to ”Mina sidor” (My pages), click on ”Registrera dig” and fill out the information. All the fields where you see an asterisk (*) are compulsory, the other fields are voluntary:

Personnummer (personal identity number, ten digits)

Förnamn (First name)

Efternamn (Sir/Last name)

Land (Country)

Adress (Home Address)

Postadress (Zip code)

Ort (City)

Telefon (Telephone number)

Meddelandesätt (How to reach you):

  • E-post (E-mail)
  • Brev (Ordinary mail)

Önskat användarnamn (Username)

Lösenord (Password)

Bekräfta lösenord (confirm Password)

Jag godkänner avtal (I accept the agreement) See general conditions below.

GENERAL CONDITIONS The intension of the rental will be to create a stable and permanent housing for the contract holder’s own use. We treat no one differently based on, for example, ethnic origin or religious belief. Approval is required for any form of rent. Income, with a minimum of 6 months duration from the day, to be documented. If you have a credit history or interference notifications you will not be able to rent an apartment with us.

When you are a tenant with us you are committed not to disturb your neighbors, therefore you should (at request) be able to leave references from past accommodation.

We handle all rental of our apartments through our website, and it requires that you have registered, but please call if you have any other questions.

Click on ”Gå vidare till steg 2”. You are now registered!

When you visit ”Mina sidor” you can, at any time, click on ”Aktivera och uppdatera dina uppgifter” (Activate and update your information) if you would like to change or update your information. Then click ”Spara min profil” (Save my profile). Continue to our homepage by clicking ”Gå till startsidan” (Go to homepage).

Application of interest – First come, first served…

We use the term First come, first served. This means that you don’t have to be registered on a waiting list for several months or years to be able to sign an apartment lease with us.

Click on ”Lediga lägenheter” on ”Mina Sidor” to see our available apartments. If you are interested to apply for an apartment, you click on the desired apartment for more information. Then click ”Anmäl intresse” (Register your application of interest). You will now receive an email (or an ordinary mail) if you are one of the first five people who registered an application of interest for that specific apartment. If you are not one of the first five, you will not be able to register.


  • You will not be able to place an application of interest on a ”Trivselbostad” if you are younger than 40 years of age.
  • If you are looking for student accommodation, you need to be registered at a school in Umeå to sign an apartment lease with us.

How to sign a lease

When our system have registered five people who has applied an interest for one of our apartments, we will make a credit information check to confirm that no one of the applicants has a credit history.

You will receive an e-mail (or an ordinary mail) if you are one of the first five people hwo applied an interest for the apartment. In that e-mail you will be able to get information (name, phone number and e-mail) about the current tenant, which place in queue you have among the first five, and which date you have to answer YES or NO.

If you are number one in queue and answer YES on ”Mina sidor” the apartment lease will be sent to you by e-mail (or by ordinary mail) shortly after.

Note: Unfortunately we do not offer our apartment leases in English right now. If you need any help, please call us at 090-71 72 00 or send an email to

Moving in

You collect your keys at our office, Rådhusesplanaden 2c, 4:nd floor, after 1 PM the first weekday of the month (at the earliest the first day your apartment lease takes effect). Bring a valid photo ID!

If you are unable to collect your keys yourself, a friend or family member can collect them for you. In that case you need to write a power of attorney. You can write it by hand on a plain paper containing your name, apartment address, the name of the person who will collect the keys and your signature. The original power of attorney is sent to us in advance to; Balticgruppen Fastighet AB, Box 489, 901 09 Umea, or carried by the person collecting your keys.

Note: We do not accept power of attorney by mail, phone or fax!

Move in earlier
If you have an agreement with the departing tenant that you have approval to move in earlier then when your apartment lease takes effect, it is required for you to have a power of attorney from the departing tenant. This refers to handover the responsibility for the apartment. The departing tenant pays rent until the last day of the month he/she moves out. This means that the departing and the new tenant must agree on any rent until the last day of that month. The new tenant will start paying rent from the date his/her apartment lease takes effect. Ask the departing tenant to print out the form below, or write it by hand on a plain paper, containing your name, apartment address and date when he/she submits the apartment and his/her signature. (If the departing tenent is present at the inspection, the power of attorney for early access can be signed at that time).

The power of attorney is sent to us in advance to; Balticgruppen Fastighet AB, Box 489, 901 09 Umea, or carried by the person collecting your keys. Note that you and the departing tenant will make your own agreement whether you will pay a part of the rent to him/her until the time your apartment lease takes effect.

Note: We do not accept power of attorney by mail, phone or fax!

TV, telephone and Internet

For more information, please contact us by phone 090-71 72 00 or email

Parking lot

To rent a parking lot, please contact us at 090-71 72 00 or send an e-mail to

When you terminate your apartment lease your parking lease automatically terminates, with the same notice period as your leasing contract (read your parking contract for more information). If you choose to terminate the parking lease before you terminate your apartment lease, the notice period may differ (normally 1, 3 or 9 months). For more information about specific notice periods, please contact us by phone 090-71 72 00 or email

When we receive the termination we will send a confirmation to you. If you haven’t received a confirmation within a month, please contact us by phone 090-71 72 00 or email

Termination of apartment lease

Your notice period is 3 months from when we receive your signed termination. If you wish to get the apartment rented out earlier, you can notice us on the form of termination. We will make a note about this when we publish the apartment on the website.

Example: The form of termination is received January 15th. The apartment will be published from January 31th and the notice period runs until April 30th.

If the apartment can not be leased out earlier, from the desired date, you are obligated to pay rent until the last day of your 3 months notice. You are also obligated to offer viewings of the apartment for those who have registered an interest on the website.

Moving out

Make sure you book an inspection in time by calling us at 090-71 72 00. Inspection times are from 08:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m. weekdays (except holidays) and takes about an hour, depending on the size of the apartment.

Things to remember before and during the inspection:

1) The apartment must be clean and empty at the inspection.

2) We prefer that you (or a friend or family member) are present during the inspection. If you are unable to attend we will contact you after the inspection and let you know if there is anything you need to correct or become liable for. If your apartment lease has expired, you have no right to enter the apartment and will therefore be liable for any damage such as broken lights, poor cleaning or similar.

3) If the apartment is not clean enough, according to our standards, and you are not able to correct this before your apartment lease expires, we will order cleaning with a cleaning company and send an invoice to you. All of our invoices contains an administrative fee of SEK 250.

Notes: Make sure that all the light bulbs are in function when you move out. Be sure to clean behind the refrigerator and stove/oven. It is not allowed to leave any personal belongings in the apartment (unless otherwise agreed with the new tenant).

You are always welcome to contact us by phone 090-71 72 00 or email if you can’t find the information you are looking for.

Termination of apartment lease

Power of attorney_Keys

Power of attorney_early access to apartment